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Peak Performance Life Podcast

Jun 30, 2020

Your genetics play a huge role in your overall health but so too does your epigenetics and overall levels of inflammation and chronic disease. Mike Mallin with Wild Health joins me to chat about their process when working with patients as well as why tracking devices are integral to finding your best life plan.



Jun 16, 2020

It doesn’t matter if you’re completely sedentary or a dedicated high performance athlete, you are constantly training your body on how to react to the world. So many diseases and pain points are caused by a lack of movement or by pushing too hard. Here to chat about balance and wellness is Dr. Joe Cooperman, a...

Jun 9, 2020

The issue of childhood chronic illness and child nutrition has reached a truly alarming point. The number of children now suffering with chronic illnesses is at an all time high and the only real explanation is our modern lifestyle. 

Here to discuss more about the effect of our processed diets and sedentary lifestyles...

Jun 2, 2020

What is your relationship like with food? Is it the only pleasurable activity you have in your life? If it is, then you may need to consider re-evaluating that relationship. Karen R. Koenig has made it her life’s mission to help people hop off the cycle of dieting and weight-gain. 

She herself found herself trapped in...