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Peak Performance Life Podcast

Apr 29, 2020

What do you know about EMF exposure? I’ve talked about it on the show a few times here and there but I wanted to bring in an expert to share his experience and resources. Yuli Azarch is quickly becoming a go-to resource in the EMF world and his experience is certainly one that I’ve seen more and more.

Yuli’s wife...

Apr 21, 2020

Most of the people who have been affected by Covid-19 have a documented history of pre-existing conditions. If you already have pre-existing conditions, then the goal is to live as healthfully as possible and reduce inflammation. 

The true goal however is to never reach that point. Take the time now to start...

Apr 2, 2020

I have been asked by many of you how I’m prepping my body in case I get the virus. Honestly though, it’s more about just sticking with your healthy habits. I’m sharing my diet, supplement routine, and why I’m taking it easy on my workouts. 

My own personal history prepared me in the best way for this pandemic....